Time: 6-9p (winners announced at 8p)
Where: Arts WAREHOUSE 313 NE 3rd ST, Delray Beach, FL 33444
I have TWO pieces that were accepted for this show! I'd love to see you there :)
Time: 6-9p
Where: Hot Spots! Art Gallery with Dennis Dean 3500 NE 12th Ave, Oakland Park, FL33334
I am one of six artists invited to exhibit! I many pieces hanging including my biggest canvas to date 5' x 4'!! I'd love it if you could stop by:)
In other news...
I am completely moved out of my FAT Village Studio back home to my daughter's room. I'm ok with it (I think), but I have to figure out where to put A LOT of stuff :/ My plans are to seek out more exhibit opportunities, join Saatchiart (an online gallery), and research brick and mortar gallery representation. Hopefully there will be another opportunity to create and exhibit in a space again so I can continue to connect with a live audience. There is nothing like in person exchanging of energies.
Lastly, I hope to be announcing acceptance into a show in May so stay tuned! I'd love to hear feed back from you about my work/process. Would you like to see of more of behind the scenes? I'll be checking my inbox Contact@heatherneimanart.com If you are on social media follow me on www.instagram.com/heatherneimanart or www.facebook.com/heatherneimanart